
Poppy and ANZAC Appeals

The Leongatha RSL runs Poppy and Anzac Appeals every year to raise valuable funds in support of veterans and their families. All money raised goes towards regular wellbeing activities, preventing isolation and assisting veterans in our community to live full lives.

Our Welfare team do a fabulous job of coordinating the selling of badges, with our army of wonderful volunteers returning each year, knowing that their efforts are immensely appreciated.

What's involved?

Badge sellers work in pairs for 2 hour shifts - 9-11am, 11am-1pm, 1-3pm and 3-5pm at either IGA or Aldi in Leongatha.


Badge selling stalls will be set up for our volunteers with a table, chairs, eftpos machines, selling trays and advertising material. The first shift of the day requires volunteers to come to the Leongatha RSL to collect replenished selling trays, and the final shift of the day requires volunteers to bring selling trays and money raised back to the RSL.

Businesses and Schools

We have a variety of schools and businesses that we provide selling trays to. The students from the schools that assist enjoy walking around the town selling badges in the lead up to the appeals. If you would like to get your school or business involved, please get in touch with Wendy via email at

How to get involved

We welcome more volunteers with open arms. All assistance provided by our volunteers is greatly appreciated by the Leongatha RSL Sub Branch, Committee, staff and club members and does not go unnoticed. With your help we are able to enrich the lives of many veterans and their families.
If you would like to get involved please contact:

Appeals Officer - Wendy Wyhoon
Email -
Phone - 56622747