
Fab Friday Community Raffles (Friday Nights)

Friday Nights at the Leongatha RSL are “Fab Friday Community Raffles” where community groups have the opportunity to host our meat tray raffles and joker poker, with all profits from those sales going to their club. This is a great initiative with the potential for community groups to earn easy money whilst socialising and having a good time with family and friends.

To get your community group involved please email

Veterans Health Week

On Wednesday the 16th of October 2024, as part of Veterans Health Week, our Welfare Officers, Wendy and Kerryn took a bus to the Cranbourne Botanical Gardens where a lovely day was enjoyed by all, walking or riding the train around the gardens, enjoying the beauty while enjoying spending time with others. It was a fabulous day about connection and well being and supporting the health of our Veteran and Ex Service Community.

Veterans and War Widows Lunch

On December 4th, 2024 we hosted a Christmas lunch with all the trimmings for our Veteran and War Widow Group. As part of our Welfare program this group meets monthly to share stories, develop social networks and keep connected. Some great friendships have been formed over the years through this program, and the monthly catch up is something all of these particpants look forward to attending.